I came to the Pacific Northwest in 2022 to explore a place I had never once in my life considered calling, "home." Up to that point, I was a born and raised, California Girl, but after my family left in 2019 and with the Pandemic wiped out my tech-aviation job in 2020, it was time for something radically different. It's safe to say, this move was probably the biggest adventure of my life...Bigger than working in Los Angeles...and I've never looked back.
From the moment I got here, I've been determined to experience the Northwest lifestyle and embrace the outdoors to the best of my ability. I hiked the tallest peak in Bonner County to photograph the mountain goats, I learned to snowboard at 35...It's been a blast. This year, I'll start learning to fly fish and my quest for an epic elk photo is still #1 on my list. As you peruse the website, I hope you enjoy the journey I've been on with my camera...Life certainly has not been boring. Cheers.
- Becca
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you imagined."
- Thoreau